FAQ's ~We Share Your Concerns

Why Sherwood Associates, Inc.?
We offer an experienced, skilled team of care managers who can provide personalized services, tailored to meet you or your loved one's individual needs.  Mutual understanding, trust and compassion is the foundation of our client relationships.

How do I know how much help my mother will need?  Her needs are changing.
We can provide as little as a one-hour consult or full comprehensive care management services or something in between.  An assessment will help us answer your questions.

My parents are doing fine right now but my family and I will be vacationing out of the country.  I need someone to do what we would do while we’re away and then hand it back to us when we return.  Can you do that?
Absolutely!  We provide a time limited “peace of mind package.”  Sometimes families even arrange with us to be on backup standby for weekend getaways or short business trips.

What does signing on with Sherwood Associates, Inc. commit me to?
You are only committed to whatever you choose from our service agreement menu. Services may be augmented or terminated by you at any time.  Any retainer advance remaining at the time of termination will be returned to you.

My parent’s hygiene has become an issue since a fall but she adamantly refuses to let anyone in the house to help.  How do I begin to tackle this?
First, we need to understand the issue from your parent’s perspective.  Does your parent think there is no issue because sense of smell and vision are diminished?  Is there a lack of awareness due to the onset of dementia?  Is there a fear that a stranger will rob them or is there simply fear of falling in the bathtub?  Resolution of the problem depends upon how the problem is defined.

My mother doesn’t think she needs any help.  How can we ever get her to talk with you?  And how do I explain who you are or what you do?
We always manage to connect, but sometimes it takes some strategizing and a little time.  Try to think of what matters to your mother that could give us an "in.”  For example, your mother may think that she doesn’t need help but that it might be a relief for someone to straighten out her insurance reimbursement or balance her checkbook once a month.

I am 83 years old and live by myself.  I don’t have any family.  I have a housekeeper once a week who shops and does the laundry.  My lawyer says I need somebody who could help me in case of illness.  Do you do that?
Yes, we can serve as an emergency backup.  For example, if you were to fall and needed to go to the emergency room, we could meet you there or send someone to be with you, talk with your doctor and help you plan for the return home.

Sherwood Associates, Inc.
228 West 260th Street, Riverdale, New York  10471
(718) 884-8648 | Eldercare@DsherInc.com